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    Hotel 301 


    Equipo       Daniel Castro                  

    Fecha         2015 - 2023 

    Estado       On going

    Location    Sydney, Australia

    Tipologia   Hospitality

    Tamaño      5616m2 

    Cliente        Privado


    plano de situacion - Floor Plan - Plano de situacion final.jpg

    Hotel 301 is a 15-storey tower located south of Sydney's CBD, in a prime location in the south-west corner of Hyde Park with walking access just minutes from the Sydney Opera House.

    The tower is surrounded by buildings from the 70s, 80s and 90s where various languages are mixed such as brutalism, Harry Seidler's prefabricated buildings, High Tech aspects, curtain walls and ventilated aluminum and glass facades from the 80s.

    In response to this environment, a classic design is sought that somewhat organizes the variety of styles and achieves elegance with very few elements. To achieve this we return once again to the classic column structure like the Chicago buildings.

    To create a robust and weighty piece we used the characteristic semicircular arch of the Romanesque as a configuring detail of the façade, while for the top or capital we used 30x30cm white granite pillars. The intention is to achieve that lightness that the volutes or acanthus leaves can give us in the Ionic or Corinthian and try to make the building disappear with the sky.

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    Ground floor

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    Typical level

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