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    Nassau House

    Single family house

    Nassau, Bahamas

    Equipo       Daniel Castro   

    Fecha         2023 

    Estado       On hold

    Location    Nassau, Bahamas

    Tipologia   Residential

    Tamaño      267m2 

    Cliente        Private

    This project is a house located in Nassau, Bahamas, designed to accommodate two separate living spaces: one for the residents at the pool level and another for guests or rental on the ground floor.

    The design aims to create a robust structure capable of withstanding hurricanes, avoiding overhangs, and envisioning the house as a rock completing the hill on which it is built. The residence is divided into distinct volumes, creating a village-like concept of multiple dwellings. This approach helps avoid the impression of a single large volume, ensuring the house's scale blends harmoniously with the neighborhood.

    For the walls, we used exposed earthy brick, emphasizing the horizontal joints while minimizing the vertical ones. This technique highlights the horizontal lines, reminiscent of wooden planks, a feature prevalent in traditional architecture. These horizontal lines are further integrated with the Bermuda roof, painted in an earthy color similar to the facade.

    To unite the distinct volumes, we created a strong podium. We played with the power of stereotomy, allowing the volumes to be positioned or interlocked naturally on this podium. This structural strategy not only enhances the building's stability but also contributes to its aesthetic coherence.

    The client requested a terrace at the highest point of the house to take advantage of the hilltop views. Additionally, a low horizontal volume at the pool level was designed for daily living, ensuring a seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces.

    This residence in Nassau, Bahamas, successfully combines resilience and aesthetic appeal, offering a unique architectural solution that harmonizes with its environment while meeting the practical needs of its inhabitants.

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